A healthy environment is good for business – Bupa


The Bupa Health Insights series brings you the latest healthcare trends, interviews with medical experts and specialist insight from Bupa: all designed to keep you and your organisation one step ahead.

For the latest insights on supporting health and wellbeing in the workplace, take a look here.


The health of our planet and our people are linked. We are already experiencing the fallout from fractures in this symbiotic relationship.

Climate change, pollution and other environmental challenges are no longer undefined threats to our future health.

They are already causing disease and deaths here in the UK.

The government estimates as many as 36,000 people die every year as a result of man-made pollution in the UK and it is recognised as the single largest threat to public health.


Sustainability matters to employees

Almost half (45%) of employees responding to the Bupa Wellbeing Index said their motivation at work would increase with the ability to propose sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives to leaders.

A third (30%) want to see continuing investment in sustainability initiatives by their employers, despite the challenging economic climate.

And looking ahead, a similar number (28%) believe sustainability will become business critical.

Anna Russell, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Director of Bupa Global & UK said: “Creating a sustainable future, and protecting the health of the planet as carefully as we protect our personal health is a huge, and complex, challenge.

“It’s not only the right thing to do and increasingly, our employees, clients and customers will demand that businesses deliver tangible, positive change.

“Every business has an important role to play, and we will all benefit from sharing knowledge, innovative strategies and working together to find solutions.”


Making it work

The Bupa UK Wellbeing Index set out a five-step plan every organisation can use to achieve this:

  1. Establish dedicated platforms for staff to share ideas and suggestions for sustainable initiatives.
  2. Implement programmes to support people’s health and planet health.
  3. Integrate sustainability into employee training and development.
  4. Embed clear communication forums where staff can provide feedback and suggestions.
  5. Empower colleagues to form task forces or green teams to take ownership of projects.


For more on how promoting environmental health in the workplace can benefit your organisation, take a look at the full article here.

This article has been abbreviated by Health & Protection.


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