Absolute Military partners with GriefChat to provide bereavement support

Specialist military insurance provider Absolute Military has partnered with GriefChat to provide a bereavement support service to its customers and their families.

The service is open from Monday to Friday between 9am to 9pm and provides a live instant chat service with a qualified bereavement counsellor, through its partners, that is free to use.

Steve Anderson, managing director of Absolute Military, said: “As both a Gold level Military Covenant signatory and specialist military insurance broker that is directly regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, safeguarding and supporting our clients, particularly in moments and times of vulnerability is at the heart of, and central to all we both do and stand for.

“The independent UK Commission on Bereavement that was established by government and has recently recommended Eight Principles for Change to improve experiences and outcomes for people and families following bereavement.

“In partnering with GriefChat in addition to our partnerships with the Turn2Us charity and MoneyHelper service, Absolute Military are proud to take a lead in the financial services sector in ensuring that our customers and their families have access to support when they need it most.”

GriefChat ambassador and chairman of Absolute Military, Johnny Timpson, (pictured) said: “I am delighted that Absolute Military and GriefChat has formed this important partnership, to increase and improve timely and professional support for bereaved military families.

“The past couple of years have been an incredibly challenging time with a significant increase in bereavement with many people experiencing the loss of more than one family member, friend, colleague or client.

“This has resulted in increased vulnerability and need for both support and importantly, professional bereavement counselling. This has also been recognised by government who have established a Bereavement Commission.”

Catherine Betley, founder and managing director of GriefChat, said: “We look forward to working closely with Absolute Military and enabling them to support many more bereaved people from the military family.

“We will be providing both immediate support via our webchat service and also longer-term professional bereavement counselling to those customers who are identified as requiring this.”


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