AMII calls on sector to address mental health ‘iceberg’

Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (AMII) chairman Dave Middleton has called on the health insurance industry to tackle the “iceberg issue” of mental health in the workplace.

Speaking at the trade body’s health and wellbeing summit last week, Middleton (pictured) praised efforts to reduce the stigma around mental health, but noted there was still a long way to go.

“When it comes to mental health, it does feel like there is more openness in the workplace around what used to be a taboo subject,” he said.

“However, sadly, there are some that still believe that those affected should just ‘pull their socks up’.

“I am a trustee of a mental health charity which has seen an unbelievable increase in those seeking help recently, and this is an area, along with many gender-specific wellbeing challenges, creating some of the most marginalised yet pressing iceberg issues in our workplaces.”

Consultant psychiatrist Dr Judith Mohring also highlighted the impact of the pandemic on the nation’s mental health, with 1.6 million people on waiting lists and a predicted shortage of 7,250 specialist nurses over the next three years.

“The pandemic led to a dramatic increase in gross national anxiety; 20 months on our stress levels have still not normalised,” she said.

“The long-term impact of this is uncertain. The evidence for simple interventions to safeguard mental wellbeing remains as powerful and relevant as ever.”



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