AMII to continue fighting for P11D tax removal – Middleton

One of the main issues for the Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries (AMII) in the year ahead is the removal of P11D tax on employee health benefits, according to Dave Middleton, chairman of AMII. 

“We want to work with other organisations to champion our cause,” Middleton (pictured) said. 

He said he would be talking about “the issue of the P11D and how we can keep knocking on the government door. 

“Hopefully one day they will listen.” 

Middleton was speaking at the AMII Spring Health and Wellbeing Summit and AGM at the National Conference Centre in Birmingham last week. 

Another issue for AMII will be to continue to work for the removal of insurance premium tax (IPT).  

Middleton said AMII would be supporting British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) in its efforts on that front. 

Middleton said: “BIBA are looking at IPT – we tried that in the past and failed. But we are going to support them in terms of what they tell the government about IPT.” 

Meanwhile, the association reported strong growth for the 2023 to 2024 financial year, with membership growing from 105 in 2021, to 119 in 2022 and standing at 124 members by the end of the most current financial year. 

And the numbers have continued to grow into 2024, Middleton said, currently standing at 140. 

“We’re quite big,” he noted.  

Paul Swanson, AMII treasurer, agreed, noting in his address: “I’ve never seen so many new members join AMII.  

“That’s encouraging, and that’s against a backdrop of consolidation within our industry as well. 

“The association is going from strength to strength,” he said. “The memberships look stronger than ever.” 

Another improvement has been on its improved website.

“We’ve got a far more interactive website, which is quick for purpose which wasn’t the case previously.

“AMII has never been in a stronger place than it is now. And that’s largely down to the current executive of Dave (Middleton) and supported by Tina (Jennings). I think you’re doing a fantastic job – and long may that continue.” 

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