‘As an actuary it’s not uncommon for me to be the only woman in the room, let alone the only queer woman’ – Weare

To mark Lesbian Visibility Week, Health & Protection spoke to Rebecca Weare, actuarial analyst at Zurich, about the benefits of having a supportive team, why line managers are key to driving cultural change and why the sector has some way to go to represent queer women at all levels.


Do you feel truly represented in the workplace and at industry conferences?

I’m relatively new in my career but the impression I have so far is that while I feel comfortable being myself as a lesbian in the workplace, I think the industry still has some way to go to make sure that people like me are represented at all levels.

As an actuary it’s not uncommon for me to be the only woman in the room, let alone the only queer woman. I do believe that progress is being made, but until women are equally represented across the industry and all LGBTQ+ people can feel safe to come out at work then there is still work to do.


What can and should be done to ensure Lesbian representation and that their voices are heard?

Companies need to address the barriers that prevent women from taking on senior roles, and the barriers that prevent LGBTQ+ people feeling comfortable being themselves at work.

This culture needs to come from the top but it also needs to sit with line managers.

It doesn’t matter how inclusive an organisation’s policies are, if line managers don’t support employees or promote inclusivity, people won’t feel safe to come out or share their whole selves.


What are your experiences in the sector and have things improved?

My experiences have been overwhelmingly positive to date.

I was determined that I wasn’t going to go back in the closet when I started work, and so worrying about how I was going to come out and whether I would be accepted was a big concern for me.

However, everyone that I’ve worked with so far has been very supportive.

I have also been fortunate to have had some incredible women who have acted as role models for me and helped me develop, and I hope that I can take what they’ve taught me to champion others.


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