Axa appoints non-executive chairman and launches International Markets

Axa has appointed Gordon Watson as non-executive chairman for Axa Asia.

Watson will transfer over from his current role of CEO of Axa Asia and Africa on 1 July. He will continue to serve on Axa boards for Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Hong Kong.

Meanwhile Hassan El-Shabrawishi, current CEO of Axa Africa Holding, takes the role of CEO of the insurer’s newly created Axa International Markets division, covering South-East Asia, India, Latin America, Africa, Turkey, and the Middle East.

A veteran with more than 20 years in the insurance industry, El-Shabrawishi has been CEO of Axa Africa Holding since 2018. He joined Axa in 2010 and his previous roles include chief innovation officer for Axa Group, and CEO and founder of Axa Next, which is dedicated to business model innovation.

The insurer launched its International Markets division as a part of preparing for it’s next chapter of growth under it’s 2024-2026 strategic plan. As part of that plan Axa wants to develop more of an entrepreneurial approach and aims to support “promising” operations that are at a different stage of maturity.

As part of this structure, Japan and Greater China will report directly to Axa Group. Other functions within the AXA International Markets Hub will maintain the same reporting lines and senior management will report to El-Shabrawishi in his new role as CEO.

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