Axa launches health and wellbeing app for corporates

Axa Health has launched an app for large corporate schemes bringing together physical and mental wellbeing assessments with onward recommendations and coaching programmes, line-manager support, and relevant clinical services.

The free app was created with clinical experts, behavioural scientists and clients and guides users on making lasting changes to their health.

Signposting to other Axa Health services they may have as part of their employee benefits will be included.

It also provides corporate clients with greater insight into the health and wellbeing of their workforce and is available to all employees of Axa Health’s large corporate clients with private medical insurance, trust, occupational health and employee assistance programme services.

The app also features content aimed at informing and inspiring users as well as an opportunity to reflect and draw motivation from how far they have come on their journey to improved health.

Along with registration details, the app will be available to large corporate clients at their renewal and new large corporate clients from today.

Tracy Garrad, CEO of Axa Health, said: “We’re on a mission to help more people with their health and wellbeing. The app does this with personally relevant solutions to build both physical and mental health.

“It’s been designed with – and for – our customers to ensure that we’re really addressing their needs and what matters to them most.”

She added the benefit to employers was clear with a workforce “empowered with accessible tools for self-help, self-care and connection to trusted expert support.”


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