Beagle Street survey finds most young adults lack life cover

Most of the young adults responding to a survey by life insurer Beagle Street reported that they do not have life cover.

The survey of 2,000 adults aged between 18 and 40 found 51% did not have cover.

Of those without cover, almost three in 10 (28%) said they have never thought about it and a similar amount (27%) cannot afford it.

One in five (20%) said the cost-of-living crisis meant they have no spare money.

Of those with life insurance, more than a third (34%) said they spoke to a financial adviser, 27% used a price comparison website and 26% had recommendations from family and/or friends.

Ryan Griffin, director of protection at Beagle Street, (pictured) said: “What we’re seeing is a generation of adults without life insurance and we know from speaking to our customers that this includes people from a range of backgrounds, including young families with children.

“This is worrying as many families would struggle to cope if a breadwinner passed away, potentially leaving thousands of people in a vulnerable position.

“I would say that getting cover is easier than people may realise. Our research shows that, of those with cover, many used a financial adviser or price comparison website to find cover that was right for them and I’d say this is a great place to start.”

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