Beagle Street to move into intermediary space in 2025

Beagle Street has revealed it is working on a proposition that will enable it to enter the intermediary space next year.

The insurer said its priority will be to “make advisers’ lives easier, by providing a simple process and attractive products that will support firms as they seek the right cover for their customers”.

It added advisers can register their interest by visiting Beagle Street Advisers’ Hub.

Health & Protection contacted Beagle Street for clarification on what form the proposition will take, the business case for the launch, the areas of protection it will cover and who may be joining Beagle Street’s new distribution director, Holly Ewing‘s team, but was told it is currently too early to go into specifics around these details.

Ewing (pictured) said: “We’ve been working hard to build an extremely strong team and are investing in technology that will mean we have an exciting offer when we bring it to market next year.

“Our recent research found that around 10 million young adults do not have life insurance. Why? Around three in ten said it was because they didn’t think they could afford it,” Ewing said.

“This is a huge protection gap and must be urgently addressed to ensure that a whole generation of adults and their families are not left in a vulnerable position.

“Life insurance is a basic financial requirement for anyone encountering a major life event, such as the birth of their first child or getting a foot on the housing ladder, and it’s often better value than people think. And that’s where advisers can help.

“Over a third of those with life insurance said that they had chosen to source their insurance through an intermediary who could highlight the different options available to them.

“But we also know that the systems that advisers are working with to support their customers are far from straight-forward to use, and that they find this frustrating.

“So, we are putting advisers’ needs right at the heart of everything that we are doing, to design an easy-to-use platform that will exceed their expectations when we launch.

“Our priority is to make life easier for advisers.”

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