Berkley Accident and Health appoints Healix as travel assistance provider

Berkley Accident and Health has appointed Healix as its preferred travel assistance provider.

Effective immediately, all Berkley Accident and Health’s Specialty Accident policyholders have access to Healix’s medical and travel assistance services.

These services include a dedicated line to medical experts offering round the clock advice and assistance from anywhere in the world, and access to the Healix Travel Oracle mobile app which provides travellers with instant access to critical insight and support before and during overseas assignments, including a direct line to medical assistance 24/7. The app also provides secure personal travel document storage in the event that original documents are lost or stolen.

Policyholders are also able to customise their travel risk management programme with additional Healix offerings. These include round-the-clock expert security assistance training sessions for employees covering topics such as; situational awareness, LGBTQ+ travel risks and how to avoid being a target of crime, traveller tracking with Healix Sentinel, mental health support and a range of consultancy services.

Brad Nieland, president and CEO, Berkley Accident and Health, said: “these are interesting and critical times in the travel landscape. How we travel and our needs while travelling have evolved drastically.

“Whether going to a conference, developing new international business opportunities, or simply attending internal meetings, travellers of all types share concerns when it comes to medical emergencies and personal safety.

“We’re committed to safeguarding our clients and helping to give them greater peace of mind when travelling. Healix is playing a key role in delivering the personal care and hands-on support that travellers need while away from home.”

Charlie Butcher, CEO of Healix, (pictured) added: “A face-to-face meeting is a vital part of doing business, and with travel firmly back on the agenda for many organisations, we’re delighted to be working with Berkley Accident and Health to provide the support employees need while going abroad for work.

“Traveling in 2023 brings plenty of risks, from the continued risk of coronavirus to the impacts of climate change on weather, to regional geopolitical challenges. Through the Healix services, Berkley Accident and Health clients can provide the tools necessary to reassure and support workers venturing out for business.

“With the combined support of Berkley Accident and Health and Healix, I am confident employees will receive the best possible support and outcome in the event of a crisis.”

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