Bluecrest adds MSK and early cancer risk tests to corporate offerings

Bluecrest Wellness has refreshed its range of corporate health assessment packages.

New features include a musculoskeletal (MSK) assessment and enhanced testing for lung function and glucose and liver function.

Early cancer risk indicator tests can also be added to any of the four customer packages.


The provider’s range of health assessments are delivered across client premises or through its network of more than 2,000 community clinics across the UK.

Clients receive an anonymised, aggregated report on health risk factor affecting their organisation aimed at informing the design of their health and wellbeing initiatives.

Business Health Plus provides 47 health readings, a general health overview, a personal results report and a round the clock GP healthline.

Business Health Extra offers 62 health readings, including all Plus benefits, an ECG test and mental health and musculoskeletal assessments.

These two plans also include two 30-minute personalised sessions with a health coach aimed at helping employees understand the signifcance of their results.

They also work with the inidviudal to make lifestyle changes to improve their long term health.

Business Health Comprehensive offers 77 health readings, including all of Extra’s benefits, a full blood health profile, liver fibrosis and lung function assessments and a health coach.

Business Health Executive offers 89 health readings, including all of Comprehensive’s benefits and a fitness assessment and GP consultation.

Jon Darby, corporate director at Bluecrest Wellness, (pictured) said: “Bluecrest Wellness is already proving really popular with business who want to add something proactive into their health benefits mix and the number of corporate health packages we’ve delivered has doubled over the last year.

“With the NHS under increasing pressure, people really value an employer that supports their health.

“Our corporate health assessments are designed to be convenient, affordable and actionable.

“We’ve listened to the feedback from corporate clients to hone our packages and make them easier to tailor and easier to choose between – so we can help even more businesses help even more of their people to live well and stay well.”


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