Breast cancer remains most common cancer claim for women – Vitality

Breast cancer remains the most prevalent cancer claim for women, according to data from Vitality.

The insurer’s 2022 Health Claims and Insights Report, set to be published in full on Thursday (19 October), reveals 25% of cancer claims were made by members under the age of 50.

The data also shows the types of cancer women claimed for in 2022 does not change significantly as they age, with breast cancer (49%) the most common claim for those above and below 50, followed by skin (20%) and bowel (6%).

Conversely for men the data shows the claims change once a man hits 50, with the top claim being for prostate cancer (33%) for those 50 and over, and for men under 50, the most common cancer claim was skin (31%), followed by bowel (13%).

Dr Keith Klintworth, managing director at Vitality Health, said: “Cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, with this data highlighting the importance of early intervention, cancer screening and access to high quality treatment for people of all ages.

“Cancer is an integral part of our health insurance offering, spanning access to innovative new treatments, to mental health support and seamless clinical journeys.

“It is also an area that has always been a priority for us, with constant enhancements and development over the years.

“This year is no exception, and several exciting enhancements will soon be available to members, that complement our existing proposition and further focus on quicker and earlier diagnosis for our members.”

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