BrokerIQ Solutions launches full version of CRM software Your Advisor Here

BrokerIQ Solutions has launched the full version its Your Advisor Here (YAH) customer relationship management (CRM) software.

It is an extension of the application and offers advisers their own customised app linked to their client engagement platform.

The firm said the service can automate the entire client journey, with a particular focus on protection products, profiling clients continuously, and flagging reminders about review dates and policy benefits.

The key functionalities offered by the platform include:

Advisers can also upgrade to their own bespoke branded mobile application.

BrokerIQ Solutions founder Joanne Cole (pictured) said: “Our aim is to be at the forefront of client engagement with an independent system that can easily integrate with other platforms and fill the gap in CRM systems that inadequately reach the end user.

“Recent research shows younger clients want trusted advise but expect a true digital experience like every other aspect of their lives. YAH creates that space for both clients and advisers alike for a low-cost solution.”


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