Bupa Health Clinics launches new menopause plan

Bupa Health Clinics has launched a new menopause plan to offer additional support for women.

The new product offers women personal support from a specially trained GP, who can develop a personalised care plan for managing menopause symptoms. Customers will also be offered follow-up appoints and access to Bupa’s Anytime Healthline, a 24/7 nurse-led service. 

At the same time Bupa Health Clinics has also announced a partnership with the charity Wellbeing of Women. The charity will receive 5 per cent of the cost of each Menopause plan sold, which will be used to help fund further research into women’s health.

Bupa says that currently around a quarter of women experience debilitating menopause symptoms, which can include hot flushes, night sweats and aching joints as well as increased anxiety and low mood.

While many GPs in the UK are experienced and knowledgeable on women’s health, a gap still exists. This is because training in identifying and managing the menopause is not a compulsory part of GP training, and NICE guidelines only came into place in 2015. As a result some GPs can find themselves ill equipped to recognise and manage symptoms in a typical 10-minute appointment.

Bupa has also launched a new women’s health hub which aims to be a go-to source of information on a range of women’s health topics, from periods to menopause. 

Bupa Health Clinics commercial director Alaana Woods says: “There are nine million women in the UK aged between 40 and 60. Many could be experiencing symptoms of menopause, and there is a high chance they may not have access to the right support.

“Over the last few years, we’ve identified menopause as a key stage in a woman’s life where more support is needed. This is why I’m delighted that we’ve launched Menopause Plan and our new women’s health hub to give women access to treatment, advice and guidance.

“A 45-minute appointment with a GP who is trained in this area is invaluable, especially for women who find it difficult to open up or are embarrassed by symptoms they’re experiencing.”

Wellbeing of Women CEO Janet Lindsay adds: “Wellbeing of Women is delighted to be partnering with Bupa.

“The menopause directly affects half the population, yet it has remained a stubbornly taboo topic. Supporting women through this stage provides opportunities to help them manage any symptoms, promote healthy lifestyles and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.”

She says was the only UK charity dedicated to investing in pioneering research into women’s reproductive and gynaecological health to support girls and women across their life-course, and the funds raise via this partnership would further this research.

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