Canine companion made ‘big difference’ to Thomson’s cancer recovery

A canine companion played a key role in Emma Thomson’s recovery from breast cancer.

Thomson, who is head of protection development at Sesame Bankhall Group, was the subject of AIG Life’s latest OneChat podcast.

In the podcast Thomson discussed her experience when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer, the importance of having cover in place and how telling real stories about cancer changes people’s behaviours.

But another topic Thomson touched on was Mollie the cocker spaniel (pictured below), who she was in the process of adopting when she was told she had breast cancer.

“When I was told the news I was in the middle of adopting a dog as well,” Thomson said.

“I had Mollie. And I thought, oh my goodness what do I about her? The nurse and the oncologist said, you’re going to need her.”

According to Thomson, her medical team’s words proved prophetic, with Mollie “making a big difference” to her recovery.

“You talk about wellbeing and for those of us that have got pets know how positive that can be in terms of having a pet in your life,” Thomson continued.

“So that’s a good story. So another top tip – get a pet if you don’t already have one. If you have bad news, it could help with your recovery.

“It really helps [with my mental wellbeing] because she does make me laugh every single day,” Thomson added.

“Those of you that have got cocker spaniels know they are cheeky and they definitely make you laugh every day.”

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