CII seeks international and local institutes VPs to support strategic plan

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) is seeking to appoint two new vice presidents to support its programme of work laid out in its strategic plan.

The CII is seeking a member to serve as its vice president (international) to support the work of the organisation internationally.

And it is also targeting a local institutes council member to serve as its vice president (local institutes and professional communities).


Strengthen international position

For the first position, the organisation said it wanted to strengthen its offer to members based outside the UK, as well developing the range of products and services to build public trust in the insurance and financial planning profession in markets across the world.

In addition to being a global ambassador for international members of the CII, the vice president (international) will also chair the International Affiliated Institute Forum (IAIF) which acts as a mechanism for the CII to consult the Affiliated Institute network, and to feedback issues and concerns to the CII.

All internationally based members who are Qualified Members of the CII, or UK based member operating in a global or international role are eligible to apply.


Raise profile of local institutes

The CII said the vice president (local institutes and professional communities) will support work in developing and implementing best practice across the local institute network for the benefit of CII members.

They will raise the profile and act as ambassador for the local institute network within the CII, including the wider insurance and financial planning professions.

They will also chair the Local Institute National Forum (LINF) which acts as a mechanism for the CII to consult the local institute network and feed back issues and concerns.

Both positions are voluntary, non-executive positions, with the appointments made for an initial one-year term, and renewable annually up to a maximum term of three years.

The initial appointments will be presented for member approval at the CII AGM in October 2023.


Both subjects featured heavily in the strategic plan which was launched last month.

It contains six strategic themes related to ensuring excellent member experience, the highest professional standards, sector thought leadership, world-class learning, taking a digital first approach, and creating a sustainable institute.

The closing date for applications for the positions is 29 May.

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