ClientTree CRM system integrates with UnderwriteMe’s protection platform

ClientTree has agreed a partnership with UnderwriteMe that will see its customer relationship management (CRM) system integrate with UnderwriteMe’s protection platform.

ClientTree said the integration aims to speed up claims processes, reduce admin and streamline broker workflow by enabling them to connect to UnderwriteMe’s protection platform from the ClientTree CRM system without re-keying client data. And once they have the insurance quotes, the brokers can pull back the results and relevant documents into the CRM with ease.

Lilla Dilliway, managing director at ClientTree Group, (pictured) said: “It is a great collaboration between two technology firms who think along the same lines: both the ClientTree CRM system and UnderwriteMe’s protection platform include an interactive fact find to help collect relevant information.

“This, in turn, helps source the right products, reduces the time spent on admin, and speeds up the advising process. We are excited about this integration and how it will help advisers offer a truly client-focused service.”

Mark Cracknell, commercial director at UnderwriteMe, added “UnderwriteMe is delighted to launch the integration with ClientTree.

“The integration provides a single sourcing process for individual protection products, saving advisers time, removing the complexity of underwriting across multiple insurers, together with providing clients with flexibility and choice.

“We look forward to working with ClientTree and their user base.”

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