Empathy agrees bereavement support partnership with Bestow

Life insurance technology company Bestow has partnered with bereavement support platform Empathy.

The partnership sees Empathy’s app and premium services made available to Bestow beneficiaries in 20 states at no cost — providing additional emotional and administrative support when dealing with loss.

Beneficiaries and up to nine friends or family members can use Empathy’s app to assist with many end-of-life tasks, including filing a life insurance claim, planning a funeral, and writing an obituary.

Ben Armstrong, chief marketing officer at Bestow, said: “Losing a loved one is an abrupt and life-altering change, and we are proud to introduce Empathy’s app to Bestow customers.

“With Empathy, we can provide needed support in navigating loss in addition to the financial safety net offered by life insurance. Now available in 20 states, we hope to extend this invaluable benefit provided by Empathy nationwide.”

Ron Gura, CEO of Empathy, added: “We are proud to partner with Bestow, a company that understands how technology democratizes access to essential care and services.”


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