Employers seeking to offer PMI as sickness rates climb – IHPN

One in five employers are seeking to provide private medical insurance (PMI) to their staff over the coming year due to an increase in sickness rates, according to research by the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN).

A survey of 1,010 businesses carried out on behalf of IHPN, found 34% of all businesses – increasing to over half of those employing in excess of 1,000 people – said sickness absence rates have increased in their organisation over the last 12 months.

UK employers warned that rising NHS waiting times would have a significant impact on their organisation in the coming year, 53% saying it could result in long employee absences and even staff permanently leaving the workforce.

This rose to 67% of medium and large businesses and almost three quarters (72%) of those with more than 1,000 employees.

Most businesses (57%) also said they were concerned that the current NHS waiting times may increase sickness absence rates at their organisation – a figure that rises to over seven in 10 businesses (71%) with more than 1,000 employees.

As a result, almost one in five employers (19%) were looking to offer PMI to their staff in the coming year – rising to almost four in ten (37%) of businesses with more than 1,000 employees.

Around one in six businesses were looking to provide more occupational health services (17%) and employee assistance programmes (16%) over the next 12 months.

David Hare, chief executive of the IHPN, said: “With NHS waiting lists at record levels, and set to rise even further, it’s not surprising that businesses are feeling the effects of rising staff absences due to ill health.

“Today’s polling shows just how seriously employers are taking this issue. Business across the country are rightly looking at all available options to improve the health and well-being of their staff, whether through offering PMI or more occupational health services.

“With recent research showing that over half of all people waiting for NHS treatment are of working age, the link between the health and wealth of the country can no longer be ignored.”

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