Family and personal health are top priorities for vast majority of people

The health of their family is a top life priority for more than eight in 10 employees – second only to their own personal health, according to research.

Engage Health Group’s Work, Health and Wellbeing report, which surveyed 250 UK employees, found 82% ranked the health of their family in their top two life priorities – above financial security and just behind their own health.

Peace of mind’, ‘having a sense of purpose’, and ‘love’ were the next highest priorities, while hobbies’, ‘pets’,’ holidays’, and ‘social life’ rounded out the lowest life priorities.


When it comes to the most important benefits for maintaining their own physical wellbeing, workplace private medical insurance ranked top of the list (32%).

This was followed by dental cover (26%) while a health and wellbeing fund (22%), counselling (17%) and gym membership (17%) also ranked highly.

A health cash plan, GP and prescription services, an employee assistance programme and travel cover rounded out this list.


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