FCA appoints three panel chairpersons

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has appointed Clare Woodman as chairperson of the FCA markets practitioner panel, Matt Hammerstein as chairperson of the FCA practitioner panel, and Mandy Gradden as chairperson of the listing authority advisory panel.

Woodman, Hammerstein and Gradden, took up their roles today. They will lead their panels in providing input from practitioners and market participants to help the FCA meet its objectives. 

Clare Woodman is head of EMEA and chief executive officer (CEO) of Morgan Stanley & Co International. She is a member of both the global operating and management committees and chairperson of Morgan Stanley Europe SE. 

Matt Hammerstein is the CEO for Barclays Bank UK, covering retail banking, investments and wealth UK, business banking and Barclaycard UK. 

Mandy Gradden has been chief financial officer (CFO) of Ascential, a specialist global information, data and analytics company, since 2013 and was a key member of the team that led the company’s initial public offering (IPO) in 2016. 

Ashley Alder, chairperson at the FCA, said: “Clare, Matt, and Mandy bring with them a deep wealth of experience and knowledge at a changing and challenging time for the economy and for consumers.  

“They will play a vital role in providing insight and challenge on behalf of the firms, markets and consumers we serve by ensuring that all voices are heard.

“I am confident they will continue the excellent work of the panels in ensuring our regulation is targeted, timely, and effective. And most importantly, that it delivers the right outcomes for firms, markets and consumers.”

Woodman said: “With the financial market environment constantly evolving, it is vital that regulators and industry continue to work together.  

“I look forward to working with my senior industry colleagues and the FCA to ensure that markets remain efficient and effective allocators of capital, while upholding the highest standards.”

Hammerstein said, “The [practitioner] panel plays a critical role in helping the FCA better anticipate the implications of proposed policy changes, and to better understand whether the existing body of policy is achieving the expected and appropriate outcomes.  

“With the introduction of the new Consumer Duty, the incorporation of a competitiveness objective, the transformation of the FCA itself, and the ongoing uncertainty and challenges in the economy, an active dialogue between practitioners and the FCA is vitally important.  

“I look forward to ensuring that that dialogue is productive and meaningful on behalf of the consumers, businesses, and markets that we jointly serve.”

Gradden said: “The listing authority advisory panel plays such an important role in connecting issuers, investors, advisors and other market participants with the FCA and we are fortunate to have such a talented and diverse group of stakeholders serving on the panel.  

“The FCA is tackling a very significant programme of innovation and reform as it supports the UK capital markets.” 

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