Finding key contact is crucial to SME engagement on IPMI cover

Finding the key contact who can act as the voice of the group is crucial when engaging SMEs about their international private medical insurance (IPMI) cover.

This was one of the key conclusions from a feedback session at Health & Protection’s third annual IPMI Summit at Sopwell House in St Albans, Hertfordshire.

Feeding back from his group’s debate Kevin Melton, global head of IPMI at IMG (pictured second from left), explained that while large corporates tend to have a group secretary, finance director or global head of HR in discussions about IPMI renewals, in the SME space this does not happen.

“We found what worked well was to find a designated person in an SME who almost comes the focal point for the broker to be that voice piece for the group.

“So you get real time feedback about how that goes and that seems a really good way of encouraging collaboration and engagement as well.”

A further topic of discussion, Melton added, was gamifications to drive engagement.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Melton maintained. “And it is often used in EAPs as well, the challenge is getting a consistent approach for various countries.

“But if you can find a way, I think that would really enhance engagement as well by bringing to life the benefits of the plan.”

Melton also said brokers need to maximise and optimise client touchpoints during the year.

“So when you send renewal terms out, when you send new business terms out or at claim give information, I think particularly as providers we could give some context,” Melton said.

“What’s worked well for me in the past is when we go back to them and say your increase is x amount, if you can give some context about in that communication saying, did you know in the last 12 months we as an insurer paid out x amount in claims? You just give that context to that increase.

“So try and give more information.”

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