Guardian joins Gain

Guardian has joined the Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity (Gain) as corporate member.  

Through its membership, Guardian said it “seeks to provide better support to neurodivergent people within its business, helping them to succeed and thrive in their careers”. 

Through the membership, Gain will initially support Guardian in a benchmarking exercise to provide recommendations across the firm’s facilities, policies and processes. The exercise is aimed to help the life and protection insurance business take steps to become more inclusive of neurodivergent employees.  

Duncan Mosely, COO of Guardian, said: “Our decision to partner with Gain came as a result of some initial conversations with a number of dyslexic members of our team about the adaptations they needed to perform in their careers.  

“What this quickly highlighted was that within most businesses there is significant scope for improvement to better support the neurodivergent mind.

“Working with Gain, we seek to improve our understanding of neurodivergent thinking, to create a safe place where our colleagues feel they can come to work as they are, and where they can thrive and develop. 

“Longer-term, we also hope the partnership will help inform our approach to addressing neurodiversity in product design and customer experience, to better meet the needs of the diverse population we serve,” he added.  

Laurie Edmans co-chair of Gain, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Guardian to our growing membership base of forward-thinking companies seeking to improve the employment prospects of neurodivergent people in insurance, investment and related areas of financial services.  

“Our desire is for neurodiverse workplaces to become the norm; where every employee can thrive and feel empowered to bring their unique skills and abilities for the mutual benefit of all,” she added. 


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