Guardian joins IPTF

Guardian has joined the Income Protection Task Force (IPTF) as a member.

The move follows the provider’s launch of its first income protection product earlier in the year.

Jacqui Gillies, (pictured), marketing and proposition director for Guardian Financial Services, said: “We’re delighted to join the IPTF and contribute to the efforts being made across the industry to increase awareness of this very valuable product. Income protection plays an important role in helping people increase their financial resilience, both as part of a menu recommendation and on a stand-alone basis.

“We’ve already seen a very positive response to our new cover, and as IPTF members we look forward to working with the team to further raise awareness of income protection, educate consumers and help to remove barriers, to get more people the protection they need,” she said.

Jo Miller, co-chairwoman at the IPTF, added: “We’re thrilled to further expand the IPTF membership to include Guardian following their entry into the market earlier this year. IPTF strives to represent as much of the market as possible and we’re excited to include them in future plans.

“The IP market has a good momentum now that we need to build on, and having another provider on board to help us to achieve that can only be a good thing. We have great respect for the process that Guardian have been through to develop an income protection proposition and providing more choice for distributors and advisers,” she said.

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