Healix adds neurodiverse diagnosis and treatment benefit

Healix Health Services has added an assessment and treatment benefit for neurodevelopmental disorders to its corporate healthcare trust plan.

The benefit provides employers with the ability to support their staff for recognised conditions such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the provider said.

Employers can choose from two levels of care, either for assessment alone, or for both assessment and treatment, to assist employees with neurodiverse conditions and their families.

The provider said current NHS waiting times mean patients have to wait for months for a suspected autism referral, adding that the new service aims to help employees seek diagnoses and treatment by ensuring they can access the right practitioner for their circumstance.

Insurer Axa Health has also announced the introduction of neurodiversity assessments and support today.

Ian Talbot, CEO at Healix, (pictured) said: “Fifteen per cent of people in the UK are estimated to be neurodivergent and thus potentially facing difficulties in the workplace as they attempt to fit into a world that is not catered for them.

“With the strong focus on employee wellbeing and health in the last few years, it’s important for us to develop innovative ways for employers to support their neurodivergent employees and promote neurodiversity.“

Talbot added that by helping employees access initial referrals and treatment for neurodevelopmental disorders, employers can better support their staff while benefitting from their diverse and unique skillsets.

“Neurodiversity has long been overlooked by the healthcare and benefits sector and providing this level of bespoke support for workers marks a vital step towards assisting employees and their families to flourish both at home and at work,“ he said.

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