Healix updates Travel Safe risk assessment tool

Healix has launched an updated risk assessment tool to support employers in protecting employees travelling internationally for work

It is a further development of the firm’s Covid Travel Safe product which was launched in June 2020 and has been expaned to offer automated assessments of the medical, logistical and security risks posed to staff who travel on behalf of the company for work.

The updated Travel Safe tool provides a full assessment based on analysis of the employee’s unique profile, relevant medical history and proposed itinerary to identify those who may be at increased risk of encountering various dangers and their likely impact.

By completing a confidential, online questionnaire, employees will receive an assessment which they can download, along with advice and guidance on steps they can take to mitigate any risks that they will face if they proceed with the trip.

This is supported by a dedicated portal which also enables employers to access a report detailing assessment outcomes for all employees using a traffic light system.

Charlie Butcher, CEO of Healix International, (pictured) said: “Travelling for work can be an apprehensive venture in the context of the current climate of geopolitical volatility, recent natural disasters and other risk factors.

“By aligning with the latest ISO standard businesses can ensure the safety of their people, but to do so requires a thorough assessment of both the health of the traveller and their end destination.

“It is only with a clear understanding of which employees are more vulnerable and what threats certain locations can pose that a clear plan can be built to ensure the safety of their workforce.

“After the success of the Covid Travel Safe tool in addressing Covid-related risks, we have built out the original product to create Healix Travel Safe.

“This will provide employers the ability to plan and mitigate risk, in line with the global standard, but also gives travelling employees peace of mind and the knowledge that their employer is doing all they can to protect the safety of their workforce.”


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