Health Summit: AI use increasingly expected by insurers and customers – Greenaway

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is increasingly becoming an expectation among providers and customers alike.

This is according to Yasmin Greenaway, CEO and founder of Dermie.AI, (pictured) who was speaking at Health & Protection‘s second Health Summit.

Discussing insurer and cash plan providers use of AI machine learning tools, Greenaway explained they increasingly did not want conditions worsening leading to the need for secondary care treatment.

“The sentiment is to arm GPs like Swiss Army knives with AI and get them to do it as much as possible in primary care,” Greenaway said.

“But just in general, big insurers and cash plan providers we’re speaking to they do get it, they get the need for it.”

And Greenaway added many private medical insurance customers have been asking for AI solutions and increasingly expecting it.

“Everybody I’ve spoken to gets it. They have their own processes in place ready for sign off. It’s quite standardised actually. These conversations are not a surprise,” she concluded.


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