Hong Kong IPMI Roundtable: An historic location getting back on the upswing

Hong Kong was the latest location for Health & Protection’s international private medical insurance roundtable, in association with Allianz.

It was the first time Health & Protection has visited Hong Kong, drawing attention onto the Asia Pacific region, and more specifically the Greater Bay Area.

The roundtable brought together representatives from across the industry and the globe to consider how the area is rebounding after significant upheaval during recent years.

While Hong Kong’s popularity for multinational organisations and globally mobile people may have waned, it is slowly returning to growth.

As the panel discussed, that growth is coming from different directions, sources and demographics but there is hope this will lead to further positive momentum.

However, there are challenges in the area which can be tackled with coordinated activity from across the key players and partners.


Download the roundtable supplement by clicking the front page below or by following this link.



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