How to manage workplace stress to help small businesses thrive – Bupa

In Bupa’s latest workplace Health and Wellbeing Academy event for small businesses our panel of experts discussed why it’s so important for small businesses to manage their team’s workplace stress.

In the UK, workplace stress, depression, and anxiety account for 51% of work-related ill health and 55% of working days lost, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

By failing to manage workplace stress, small businesses are at risk of reduced productivity, higher rates of employee absenteeism and increased staff turnover.

Rhiannon Blackley, Cognitive Therapist at Bupa shared some of the common symptoms of stress and what signs small business owners should look out for in their teams.

Laura Williams, Head of Partnerships Legal team at WorkNest discussed the duty of care small businesses have towards their employees experiencing stress and anxiety.

Signpost your clients to the recording to provide them with practical, relevant, and accessible content to help manage workplace stress to help their small business thrive.


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