IPMI Summit: Effective early rehab makes ‘huge’ difference to patients

Effective rehab can make a “huge” difference to patients, according to Dr Emer McGilloway, clinical lead for rehabilitation services at Cleveland Clinic.

Speaking at Health & Protection’s third annual IPMI Summit at Sopwell House in St Albans this morning, Dr McGilloway cited the example of a recumbent bike the clinic provides certain patients with in intensive care.

“What we have learned is every day in intensive care, you lose about 2% of muscle mass,” McGilloway said.

“It’s a bit like being in space – you’re not moving, you’re not doing anything, you’re very sick. There’s a toxic storm going on in your body because whatever condition that put you in intensive care makes you unwell.

“And we know by starting some sort of gentle physical activity in the safe environment of intensive care, you can really make a difference to that person’s recovery time and the outcomes at the end of that.

“Rehab is a drug just like these weight loss drugs,” McGilloway said.

“And if you get the right dose at the right time and the right timeframe as early as possible, then you can make a huge difference to patients where their outcomes are very much better, they are much less dependant, and their health is better.

“Generally they do better than if they’re waiting and being passed like a parcel from pillar to post.”


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