Income Protection Task Force launches 7 Advisers campaign

The Income Protection Task Force (IPTF) has launched 7 Advisers – an adviser-focused campaign running for the remainder of the year which will follow seven different advisers in their professional lives.

The advisers will post regular video diary entries which will be shared on the IPTF social channels and website providing insight into the life of an adviser. The IPTF hopes the videos will help to highlight important issues faced by advisers and share best practice with other advisers.

The 7 Advisers who will be releasing introduction videos over the next fortnight are:

All content will be shared by the IPTF.

The IPTF said it expects the project will help to inform the Income Protection Awareness Week taking place between 18 and 22 September.

It added it will be releasing the introductory videos on social channels and YouTube daily over the next week and then regularly from that point.

Jo Miller, co-chairwoman of the IPTF, said: “We’re excited to launch the 7 Advisers campaign today and look forward to the insight that the campaign will provide into the role of the adviser, perceptions of income protection and how the industry can work together to improve IP sales.”


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