IPipeline launches cloud-based services for insurers

IPipeline is launching cloud-based hosted authoring services from its SSG Digital platform.

The firm says this move to the cloud will benefit insurers by allowing them to make changes to their platform directly such as updating pricing or underwriting changes and programming the date they want it to go live.

It added this will benefit insurers as normally they have to submit a change request to their technology partner and fit the go-live date into a pre-agreed release cycle, which can inhibit their ability to make changes quickly.

Chris Samuel, business operations director at IPipeline, said: “In a dynamic market such as protection, every second counts.

“The ability for insurers to be able to speed up their reactions to market movements, whether through competitive pressure, opportunity, or a changing risk landscape, is vital.

“Our insurer partners have already shown huge enthusiasm for this new range of hosted services, with a recent deployment evidence of the revolutionary impact we think they will make.”


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