IPipeline secures protection product sourcing deal with Meet Parker

Meet Parker is partnering with IPipeline to deliver protection quotes for advisers through its virtual assistant, with the service expected to launch in January.

Brokers using Meet Parker can give real time automated advice and indicative quotes to clients before a formal adviser meeting.

Meet Parker said its customisable virtual assistant aims to streamline the mortgage process by connecting customers, advisers, and lenders at the point of inquiry enabling them to field queries on key issues.

Paul Yates, product strategy director at IPipeline, said: “We always want to work with forward-thinking companies who make the full use of technology to improve the market and deliver a better customer experience.

“Meet Parker has developed an amazing solution for mortgage brokers which is ideally suited to the protection market.”

Freddie Savundra, founder of Meet Parker, added: “Protection is one of the most undersold and undervalued products on the market. The stats around being diagnosed with a serious or life-threatening condition speak for themselves.

“We are always looking at ways we can enhance the client journey when it comes to house hunting, whether renting or buying, and providing instant, on demand answers to our clients.”


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