IPTF adds insurer member

The Income Protection Task Force (IPTF) has added National Friendly as a new member, taking the total number of full and associate members to 19.

Jo Miller, co-chairwoman of the IPTF, said: “Having added three new members at the start of the year we’re thrilled to have further expanded the IPTF membership to include National Friendly and we’re looking forward to including them in the plans for Income Protection Awareness Week which are coming together.

“Including another income protection provider can only improve our work and make us as diverse and representative of the industry as possible.

“Income protection sales are nowhere near where they should be when we consider the population’s protection needs and we are grateful for all the support, including that of National Friendly, to help us improve that.”

National Friendly business development manager Karen Stoddart said the insurer was pleased to be working closely with the IPTF, and be part of the invaluable work it does to increase awareness and value of IP.

Oliver Jones, head of sales and marketing at National Friendly, added: “Post pandemic, many people are now very sensitive to the impact that not working can have on their domestic finances.

“While previously many might have taken a relaxed approach to IP insurance and perhaps not seen it as an essential part of their financial toolkit, the experience of two years of on-off lockdowns and business closure has had a dramatic impact upon the way many people now look at money, and in particular, the importance they now attach to a regular, secure income.

“We have recently developed and launched two new IP propositions to help bridge the gap and get more clients covered. By becoming a member of the IPTF we will work together to drive awareness and develop more of an understanding of the much needed and undersold IP.”

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