Is your organisation joining the prevention revolution? – Bupa



In our final Workplace Health Insights event of 2023, we unpicked the challenges around chronic ill health and the implications for both businesses and the economy.

More people than ever before are leaving the workforce due to long term sickness, resulting in the greatest ever number of economically inactive people in the UK.

Multiple drivers for this include access to healthcare and a possible decline in the overall health of the UK population.

As a result, organisations are experiencing talent recruitment and retention challenges, prompting many to explore additional wellbeing and preventative services.


The panel 

Our expert panel explored how organisations can help to address the rising tide of economic inactivity by investing in the prevention revolution.

Discussing men’s health as an example, our panel explained the business case for joining the prevention revolution and why the adoption of digital wellbeing technologies and clinical innovations are set to improve employee health.



To learn how to develop preventative and proactive initiatives that deliver tangible returns, re-watch the event here.


Want more insight?

Take a look at our Workplace Health Insights page where you will find the latest healthcare trends, interviews with medical experts and global leaders as well as specialist insight from Bupa: all designed to keep you and your organisation one step ahead.


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