Koa Health launches mental health platform

Global mental health services provider Koa Health has launched mental health platform Koa Care 360.

The platform enables employers to provide their employees with preventative care, online therapy, and a range of solutions personalised to individual employee needs.

The platform can also serve as a central point of access for existing benefits, connecting employees to additional resources available from their employer.

Employees can access the Koa Care 360 platform from any device. Users first take a quick assessment. The platform then recommends personalised, evidence-base services  ranging from interactive self-treatment tools to clinical care with a therapist.

Koa Care 360 delivers clinical-first mental healthcare to help employers improve workforce wellness.

The mental health service aims to proactively maintain and restore employee mental health through regular prompts and easy-to-navigate care pathways.

Users are guided through a mix of technology and human touch experiences to treat, mitigate, or maintain wellbeing and mental health challenges.

This guided approach, delivered via a unified platform, aims to reduce point solution fatigue, increase productivity and engagement, and reduce mental health related risks and costs for organisations.

The platform, built in collaboration with a number of global universities, is backed by findings in 65 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 27 patent publications, and 21 clinical trials including the largest known study of app-based mental health support for healthcare workers.

Koa Care 360 is offered in 83 countries and eight languages, and surpassed standards set by independent reviewers ORCHA and OneMind.

Dr Oliver Harrison, founder and CEO of Koa Health, said: “Organisations are struggling to engage employees with mental health benefits, which is why we built Koa Care 360 to meet people where they are with personalised, clinically-validated care.

“For organisations to support their people and help them become healthier and more productive employees, Koa Health saw a need to bring everything mental health-related into one powerful platform.”

Jennifer Keashon, director of compensation and benefits, Americas, at International SOS, added: “Not every person needs therapy, so it can be overwhelming for employees to know what they need or how to access the care they need using employer-provided benefits.

“Koa Care 360 was designed by psychologists to help employees understand what they need, quickly navigate to the right level of care, and give them ownership of their wellbeing.”

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