Long Covid impact continues rising as 760,000 suffering more than two years

The number of people suffering with long Covid symptoms for at least two years has soared past three quarters of a million – rising 11% since the start of the year, according to latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The figures for March revealed the number of people who have had long Covid symptoms for at least two years had reached 762,000, up from 687,000 at the start of the year.

Around 1.3 million people said they had been suffering for at least one year – up from 1.2 million in January.

The data showed 83,000 first had, or suspected they had, Covid less than 12 weeks previously and 1.7 million people at least 12 weeks previously.

Fatigue (72%) continued to be the most common symptom reported as part of individuals’ experience of long Covid, followed by difficulty concentrating (51%), muscle ache (49%) and shortness of breath (48%).


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