MedicusUnion Telemedicine provides interpreter services in 11 languages

MedicusUnion Telemedicine has announced that it now provides interpreter services spanning 11 languages for patients and doctors using its telemedicine platform.

Translatable languages offered on the MedicusUnion Telemedicine’s platform include: German, English, Russian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Arabic, Indian, Chinese, Spanish and French

These live interpreters enable real-time translation services across video consultations. It allows patients to effectively convey their medical concerns and questions while empowering doctors to provide clear and understandable instruction and direction so that treatment plans and medical care can be delivered and followed, the firm said.

Tovmas Khachyan, CEO of MedicusUnion Telemedicine, said: “In order to maintain a global telehealth platform, it is vital that we offer physicians who speak many different languages as well as interpreters for patients.

“The last thing any sick person wants to deal with is not understanding what someone is saying to them, or worse, not being understood.

“In order to create a global healthcare system like MedicusUnion, we must be both patient and doctor-centric, and the pinnacle for that is not having any language barriers.”

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