Menopause adversely affects careers of working women

Going through the menopause has had an adverse effect on the careers of many working women, according to research from Canada Life.

The survey of 155 working women aged 45-65 who are currently or have gone through the menopause, found 27% had experienced a negative impact on their career because of menopause.

The biggest impact women reported experiencing was feeling undervalued (27%), while a further 20% said it caused negative feelings with their colleagues.

Two fifths (41%) of women reporting feeling unsupported by their employer and 42% felt unable to talk to their line manager about their menopause experience. This lack of support has led 11% of women to consider leaving their job.

Workplace policies that working women with the menopause felt would enable them to be better supported include:

About a fifth (19%) said they would be more likely to remain with their current employer if they felt better supported with the menopause and symptoms experienced.

Dan Crook, protection sales director at Canada Life, said: “Everyone experiences the menopause differently and some can have more severe symptoms than others, sometimes lasting for up to 12 years.

“Building awareness around the menopause is fundamental to normalising the topic in the workplace and society, allowing people to talk openly and seek support when needed”

Crook noted this could quickly become a key recruitment and retention issue for employers if not handled openly and compassionately.

“Women experiencing the menopause are usually at the height of their careers and an asset that employers should work hard to keep,” he continued.

“Almost a fifth of women said they would be more likely to stay with their employer if they felt better supported in the menopause and by making relatively simple changes such as improving sick leave policies and flexible working, employers can give their workforce the best chance of success.”


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