Mental Health Awareness Week: Burnout plaguing employers across all sectors – Pettit

Burnout is a consistent issue employers are grappling with across all sectors, according to Sarah Pettit, client delivery consultant, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England.

Speaking at the Health & Protection IPMI Summit last week, Pettit (pictured) revealed that through her conversations with clients across a range of sectors employee burnout was a consistent issue coming through since the pandemic.

“A lot of people have had to power on through in that period of time,” Pettit continued.

“And it’s only now that maybe those things have have struggled to come to light.

“Burnout is a big thing across all sectors and the amount of change that has happened to people – personally or within the workplace. Having to adapt, as we all have had to, to keep going through the last few years.

“Burnout and people dealing with change, restructures are the things that seem to be consistent across all sectors.”


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