MetLife introduces flexible working and mental health webinars

MetLife UK is introducing flexible working for employees as it exits the pandemic and has been hosting special webinars for staff this Mental Health Awareness Week.

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, Health & Protection spoke with Amy Tomlinson, head of HR at MetLife UK, to find out about the initiatives it offers to staff.

Tomlinson said the insurer is holding some mental health themed webinars for staff focussed on managing anxiety and work-life balance this week.

The webinars are supported by 15 minute coffee chats each day, encouraging employees to take a break and to connect with colleagues on a personal level to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Tomlinson adds other benefits include an employee assistance programme, a self-referable mental health pathway as part of the group’s private medical insurance benefit, mental health first aiders and mental health awareness training.

The firm also runs six week virtual mindfulness courses for staff and drop in sessions run by an executive team member who is also a fully qualified mindfulness coach.

An Own your wellbeing initiative actively encourages associates to focus on their mental health and physical wellbeing. This includes two wellness hours per month to enhance wellbeing and includes exercise classes, meeting friends and generally prioritise wellbeing.


Flexible working

Elaborating on the return to work after the pandemic, Tomlinson revealed the group is piloting a new approach to flexible working where it will be asking all staff, except those already contracted from home pre-pandemic, to work a minimum of two or three days per week from the office.

On the other days they are free to choose where they work.

The new approach means 66% of associates will be working from home three days per week while 20% will be working from home two days per week.

All MetLife’s UK 250 staff are currently home-based and 10% have chosen this due to personal circumstances.

But Tomlinson adds if staff have any concerns about the new approach, these will be addressed on an individual basis and adds that consulting with staff about the changes is critical.

“We have consistently checked in with our associates through sentiment surveys, virtual all staff town halls and focus groups. We have listened to their needs and shared our plans each step of the way,” she said.

“We believe that all our roles are suited to flexible working and are hopeful that our hybrid model will provide even greater flexibility for both our associates and our business.

“Our new approach offers all associates a hybrid working model. This helps to ensure they remain connected to the organisation culturally.

“From an organisational perspective, it’s critical that our associates continue to collaborate, innovate and share knowledge to meet the future needs of our customers,” she added.

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