MetLife pays highest number of claims in a year

MetLife UK recorded an 11% increase in accident and health claims in 2021 compared to 2020 and paid the most claims since it began operating in the UK.

The insurer’s data reveals 16,652 claims were paid over the year – its previous highest in a single year was just under 15,000.

The data also revealed the insurer paid out 262 claims for child broken bone injuries in Q4 2021 with sports the biggest cause, according to the insurer.

Participating in sports accounted for 25% of the total childhood broken bones sustained, followed by falls outside of the home in parks (21%), falls at school (15%) and falls at home (13%).

The insurer attributed the increase in these injuries in part to the easing of lockdown restrictions with many children returning to sports, social activities, and school.

Commenting on the data, Stuart Lewis, head of claims at MetLife, noted the findings indicated that as restrictions have lifted children have returned to hobbies and sports clubs, with accidents ensuing.

“Children aren’t alone either – we’ve seen an increase in claims across the board both in Q4 and 2021 more broadly as normality begins to ensue,” he said.


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