IPTF guide to improving claims outcomes for self-employed clients

Andrew Wibberley, co-chairman of the Income Protection Task Force (IPTF)

The Income Protection Task Force (IPTF) has produced a new guide to help advisers with self-employed clients through the duration of their IP policy to make the most of their policy and ensure a smooth claims process if the need arises.

It is in no-one’s interest for people to find out at time of claim that they are not going to receive their full benefit.

Equally no-one wants the claim process to be elongated while financial information is sourced or completed.

These delays cause frustration and confusion that can be actively avoided with some proactive management of the IP policy and financials throughout the lifetime of the policy.

The short guide aims to give simple, practical tips to enable advisers to help ensure the process goes swiftly and smoothly for self-employed and small business policyholders. We hope you find it useful.

The purpose of insurers conducting financial assessments at claim stage is to provide the policyholder with the appropriate level of cover for the financial loss and avoid over insurance and overselling.

In so doing the insurer reduces anti-selection and fraud and ensures premium prices remain low for future policy holders.

The “dos and don’ts” highlighted in the guide are summarised below:





The guide also includes two case studies to show the impact that delayed financial reports can have a claim and the reality that financial assessment can have to reduce a claim payment where evidence is not available to support the benefit amount.

The full report is available here.


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