One in 10 take entire month off work due to injury – MetLife

More than one in 10 people have taken a whole month out from work due to an injury from an accident in the past year, according to research from MetLife UK.

The survey of more than 3,000 respondents found that 11% of those polled had to take a whole month’s unplanned leave from work due to an injury from an accident such as a broken bone and 24% had to take between one and three weeks off.

More than one fifth of respondents (22%) said they were not paid by their employer during these periods of unplanned leave.

One in five (20%) were paid for part of their time off, but later received only a reduced payment, while 15% were only paid for a short period of time while they were unable to work.

However, the survey also found that almost two thirds (62%) of people have a form of financial protection in place such as life insurance.

Around 13% of people would rely heavily on their savings in the event of an accident or injury, with 11% having to cut back on their shopping and spending to keep up with bills and ongoing costs.

MetLife also asked respondents to think about additional financial support under these circumstances.

It found 9% said they would need to rely on their credit card or overdraft to get by, with the same proportion having to borrow money from their parents.

Meanwhile 8% said they would have to rely on their partner being able to work overtime and the same number admitted they would have no option but to miss bill payments during this time.

Despite this, just 7% had accident and sickness cover and only 6% had income protection.

Rich Horner, head of individual protection at MetLife UK, said: “Accidents happen and they’re common, but our research shows us that we’re not always prepared for when it happens.

“Although it’s hugely positive that 62% of people have a form of financial protection i.e. life insurance, people aren’t protecting their lives for the now, for today’s moments.

“For example, if they have a fall and break a bone, or hurt themselves playing sport or simply having an accident whilst taking their child to the park.

“We want people to feel confident to live their lives for the now and say yes to the everyday without the financial stress and worry should they have an accident.”


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