Only 11% of Brits confident NHS will take care of them – The Exeter

Only one in ten Britons are confident the NHS can meet their needs if they fall ill, according to research from The Exeter.

Waiting lists for treatment have risen from 4.4 million pre-pandemic to more than seven million by the latest figures with the Conservatives coming under severe pressure to address workforce shortages and increase funding across the NHS.

The protection and health insurer’s survey of 4,000 adults found almost half of UK adults (49%) were concerned about getting a same-day GP appointment or seeing a GP face-to-face.

Other concerns raised included problems getting through to a GP by telephone (46%); the increasing waiting times for NHS treatments and operations (39%); the availability of NHS services for non-urgent treatment (31%) and the overall level of care offered by the NHS (26%).

However despite these concerns just 13% of UK adults surveyed by the insurer have used private or remote GP services.

While data indicates NHS waiting times have increased by 34% in the past two years, 43% of UK adults believed waiting times had climbed by a much lower amount or did not know.


Young people seeking private treatment

The research also shows older people are significantly less likely to take advantage of private hospital consultations or treatments than younger people. In the past two years, 17% of 18-24 year olds have used an alternative private healthcare service.

This figure dropped to 11% for 25–34-year-olds and fell further still for both 35–44-year-olds (10%) and 55–64-year-olds (6%).

Touching on mental health, more than half (52%) of UK adults surveyed reported that their mental health has been adversely impacted by the cost of living crisis. Notably, younger generations also felt the increased stress of rising bills more profoundly than older generations.

Six in 10 (61%) of those aged 18-34 said their mental health was affected by the crisis, far higher than the 27% of respondents aged 55 and over who reported similar feelings.

The research shows that younger people are also more likely to seek mental health support than older generations: a quarter of 18–24-year-olds sought private health support in the past two years.

When it comes to reasons for not owning or currently seeking an insurance product, over half (53%) cited affordability as a key concern. A fifth (18%) did not see the need to purchase insurance, while 16% admitted they simply had not gotten around to buying one.

And on awareness of private medical insurance products and how they work, 8% did not know what products were available, while 9% were interested but did not know where to find out and learn more about the products on offer.

Karen Woodley, head of sales at The Exeter, said: “As NHS waiting times continue to increase, it’s more important than ever to educate people on the benefits of private healthcare and ensure these services are as accessible as possible. We must also start talking more about digital healthcare services, which can reduce the pressure on the NHS and help people get timely access to the support they need.

“As the cost of living crisis continues, private health insurance products can ensure nobody in need is left without a strong alternative. All worthwhile financial decisions begin with an expert conversation, and advisers are best placed to help clients arrive at an informed choice that balances affordability against overall benefit.”


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