PDG adds two new firms and board member

The Protection Distributors Group (PDG) has added Business Protected Ltd and Your Life Protected as members and appointed Chelsea Warren as board member.

Warren, the head of financial protection at SPF Private Clients and a current member of PDG, (pictured) said: “I am delighted to be joining the PDG as a board member, and incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to contribute further to the collective voice that is making positive changes within the industry.

“I am passionate about the work that the PDG carry out, as the most important factor in anything we do is the outcome for the customer, and how they can benefit the most.

“To be working with such a customer focused initiative is an honour, and I can’t wait to get stuck in.”

Warren brings to 11 the number of directors on the board.

Meanwhile, specialist protection firms Business Protected Ltd and Your Life Protected have joined the PDG. The group now has 25 members.

Mike Derham, MD of Your Life Protected, said: “There is no doubt that the Protection industry provides brilliant products and services for people all around the UK, but it’s fair to say there is definite room for improvement.

“We’ve always strived to provide the best possible service for customers, so having the opportunity to join a panel of likeminded firms, with a shared vision of a better Protection Market was an easy decision to make, and we can’t wait to get started.”

Neil McCarthy, chairman of the PDG, added: “Chelsea brings energy and passion to the PDG board in addition to the practical experience of managing a busy protection sales team and day-to-day dealings with insurers.

“Working with two new protection firms adds further depth to our members and demonstrates our traction in the market.

“We continue to work to improve consumer outcomes in areas including claims, underwriting, distribution transparency, retention data and service.

“I’m looking forward to drawing on Chelsea’s experience to help improve customer outcomes and working with firms within the PDG to grow the market.”

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