PMI and pay rises the most desired employee benefits – Canada Life

Private medical cover ranks as the second most popular workplace benefit with only higher pay ahead of it, according to research from Canada Life.

The research conducted by Opinium among 2,000 UK adults found a third (34%) of UK employees would like their company to offer salaries or bonuses at or above the industry average.

This was followed by private medical cover (29%) and discretionary bonuses for outstanding performance (24%).

However, when asked what benefits they actually get, time off for family issues (44%), a supportive and caring line manager (36%) and mental health support (31%) were the benefits employees said they were offered.

A quarter (25%) said their salaries were at or above the industry average, while just 15% received private medical cover, and the same amount were given discretionary performance bonuses.

The research also showed older workers were feeling less supported in the workplace than their younger colleagues.

It found that 78% of 18-to-34-year-olds felt supported by their employer, however this figure dropped to three in five (61%) among employees aged 55 and over.

Dan Crook, protection sales director at Canada Life, said: “Ageism has existed in the workforce for some time, but these findings highlight that employers have yet to fully adapt to meet the needs of older employees.

“Add to this the exodus of older people from the workforce, there’s likely to be a significant brain drain which will ultimately impact UK plc.

“Supporting a workforce goes beyond just considering attracting talent, employers must consider how they can retain existing staff, no matter what their age. This support begins with the HR team, who must think about the employee benefits they can provide.

“By considering these benefits at an individual level, rather than a one size fits all approach, employers will be in a better position to engage, retain and support workers both now and in the future.”


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