Protection adviser Chohan conducts eight-week winning streak on Apprentice

Week 8 on The Apprentice saw the teams tasked with designing an advertising campaign for an electric vehicle.

Protection adviser Raj Chohan’s team took on a camper van, with Dr Paul Midha appointed project manager.

Chohan found herself in the branding team alongside Flo Edwards which developed a rather confusing squiggle logo.

But this was offset by Maura Rath committing to a comedy advert in which Steve ‘One Take’ Darken stole the show.

Their efforts were further offset by Noor Bouziane, who took on project manager duties for the first time, and committed to a vision which would see their electrical vehicle enable online businesses to meet their customers face to face.

But the idea was met with considerable opposition from her own team mates including Rachel Woolford and particularly Tre Lowe.

This conflict spread into the development of the advertising campaign in which Bouziane insisted on depicting a stationery vehicle which only actually appeared for half the ad’s run time.

Combined with a logo deemed “childish” by its critics, it was no surprise that Lord Sugar chose Midha’s team as the winners. Bouziane was shown the door when her team was brought back to the boardroom.

This all meant that it was eight wins in a row for Chohan. The only candidate on this year’s show to achieve this feat.

Chohan will be appearing at Health & Protection’s first Protection Forum next month.

Attendees will hear her explain what motivated her to enter the show, how skills from the market helped her journey and what learnings she took from the experience that could help the sector develop.

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