Protection Distributors Group adds three members

Heath Protection, Towergate Health & Protection and One Stop Mortgage Shop have joined The Protection Distributors Group (PDG).

The trio takes the group’s membership to 24.

They join Assured Futures, Cavendish Ware, Cura, Direct Life and Pension Services, Drewberry, Essential Insurance, Future Proof, Highclere, LifeSearch, Lightblue, L&C, Roxburgh, Sesame Bankhall Group, SJP, The Insurance Surgery, Caspian Insurance Services, Pure Protect, Radcliffe & Co, Vita, The Right Mortgage, and Premier Choice as members.

Established in 2016, the PDG was set up with the aim of encouraging better outcomes for consumers through insurers and intermediaries.

The group has launched a number of initiatives since launch including the Funeral Pledge and Claims Charter, as well as providing support towards a number of access to insurance projects such as the signposting and underwriting transparency agreements.

Neil McCarthy, chairman of the PDG, said: “It’s great to see new firms, with experienced protection practitioners, join the PDG. There is still so much that can be done to improve consumer outcomes, and we have a number of initiatives moving into 2023 that I hope will help to improve our market.”

Naomi Greatorex, managing director of Heath Protection Solutions, (pictured) said: “I am looking forward to joining the PDG, and being part of a group that supports such important work in the protection industry. It’s important that we work together to encourage positive outcomes in protection.”

Iain Laws, CEO of Towergate Health & Protection, said: “As an advisory business for which optimum client outcomes and value drives all our actions and behaviours, we are delighted to be accepted into the heavily aligned PDG to have the opportunity to help the onward development of industry standards and public reputation.”

Johnny Robb, director of One Stop Mortgage Shop, added: “One Stop Mortgage Shop are delighted to join the PDG and look forward to working with the other members in the group. We hope to add value to the group and to help make a positive difference to consumers.”


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