Protection Guru adds UnderwriteMe to product sourcing system

Protection Guru is to add UnderwriteMe’s platform as a quotation and new business processing option within its research system for protection products.

Ian McKenna, founder of Protection Guru, (pictured) said the partnership would allow advisers the ability to include an assessment of value, based on quality and price and present a client with a comparative personalised underwritten price at the time of advice.

“This is the first in a series of additional strategic integrations we are putting in place to enable protection, mortgage and wealth advisers to give the best possible advice on life, mortgage protection, income, protection, and critical Illness plans in ways that are streamlined to fit their business processes,” he said.

Mark Cracknell, commercial director at UnderwriteMe, said: “We are delighted to be launching the integrated proposition with Protection Guru Pro.

“Our partnership is pivotal with Consumer Duty round the corner, ensuring advisers are compliant while removing barriers, making protection more accessible to them and their customers.

“We look forward to working with Protection Guru and advisers to realise the full value of the integrated proposition.”


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